n a recent X post by Robert Kiyosaki, the prominent entrepreneur, businessman, and author acclaimed for his groundbreaking book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” has ignited fervent discussions within the investment sphere with a daring proclamation concerning precious metals.

Kiyosaki’s Insightful Perspective: Drawing attention to silver, Kiyosaki declared, “BIB: Biggest Investment Bargain.” He shed light on silver’s remarkable potential, highlighting that its value remains remarkably lower—by 50%—than its historical peak. This is despite its burgeoning demand for vital green technologies such as solar panels and electric vehicles.

Kiyosaki underscored the enduring significance of silver, ranking as the second most utilized global commodity, eclipsed only by oil. He emphasized that silver’s status as a form of currency has endured for centuries, cementing its value in history.

Tweet by Robert Kiyosaki:

“BIB: Biggest Investment Bargain: Silver still 50% below all-time high, in demand by greenies solar EVs. Silver 2nd most used commodity after oil. Silver has been money for centuries. Who can’t afford 1 silver coin, yet most people prefer to save counterfeit fake dollars. Sad.”

Why This Matters: Kiyosaki’s passionate endorsement of silver comes amid an intriguing landscape within the precious metals market.

The Pulse of Precious Metals: Gold prices experienced a dip in the Asia session on Friday morning due to a resurgence in the U.S. dollar. While spot silver registered a 0.4% decline to $24.04 per ounce, it was en route to its most impressive weekly performance since July 14, as highlighted in a Reuters report.

Navigating Silver’s Trajectory: Notably, this movement within the precious metals sector occurs against the backdrop of anticipation for insights from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s imminent address at the Jackson Hole gathering. This speech holds the potential to unveil crucial clues about the future trajectory of interest rates.

Exchange-Traded Fund Impact: The iShares Silver Trust ETF (NYSE:SLV) observed a 0.8% decline, closing at $22.115 during the last trading session, while exhibiting a modest 0.07% increase.

Robert Kiyosaki’s thought-provoking stance on silver brings a refreshing spotlight to the captivating realm of precious metals, offering investors a unique lens through which to view their portfolios.”